Section 4.4: Use Of The Terms MLS And Multiple Listing Service

Use Of The Terms MLS And Multiple Listing Service

No MLS participant, subscriber or licensee affiliated with any participant shall, through the name of their firm, their URLs, their e-mail addresses, their website addresses, or in any other way represent, suggest, or imply that the individual or firm is an MLS, or that they operate an MLS.  Participants, subscribers and licensees affiliated with participants shall not represent, suggest or imply that consumers or others have direct access to MLS databases, or that consumers or others are able to search MLS databases available only to participants and subscribers.  This does not prohibit participants and subscribers from representing that any information they are authorized under MLS rules to provide to clients or customers is available on their websites or otherwise. The provisions of this section apply to licensees affiliated with a Participant who are subject to a fee waiver under Section 6.1.



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