Section 12.5 Confidential Data Fields

Confidential Data Fields

A Participant shall not disclose to any consumer, whether orally, on a VOW or IDX web site, or via any other means, any of the following data fields, which the service has classified as confidential. The preceding sentence notwithstanding, a Participant may disclose the contents of any of these fields only to the extent, and only at the time, that the Code of Ethics or state or federal law gives rise to an obligation to do so.

  • Agent Only Remarks
  • Owner Name
  • Showing Instructions (This is not the ‘Show Instr’ field that has a required default value of ‘Appointment Required’. It is the field in Add/Edit labeled ‘Showing Directions’ which is a free form text field. On reports, this field is labeled ‘Showing Instructions’).
  • Lock Box Info
  • Appointment Center Phone Number (This is the field that is entered by MLS staff in the office record which then populates to every listing belonging to that office)
  • Listing Agreement Type (AP. EA, ERR, or ERS)
  • Contract Date
  • Withdrawn Date
  • List Date
  • Expire Date

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